It all began with the famous little Zum Bar, cooked up in Emily Voth’s kitchen in 1996. Since then, we’ve been cooking up all sorts of natural Zum products, including lotions, candles, salves, lip balms, bath salts, liquid soaps, massage oils and aromatherapy sprays at The Zum Factory in Kansas City. Our natural aromatherapy products thoroughly cover the body and Read more...
Established in 1991, I.V. House brings innovative IV therapy joint stabilization and IV insertion site protection products that improve patient safety and increase nurse efficiency to leading hospitals worldwide. Read more...
Honey is main thing we specialize in, but a close second are the bath and body products made from bee products, and other all natural substances. So if you are looking for a place to get pampered – this is it. Read more...
Compare our handcrafted soaps to any other bath bars and body washes. Your skin will know and show the difference. Enjoy superior skin care every day at a sensible price. Read more...
Harold’s Famous Bee Co. is owned by two patented beekeepers. They formulate products using ingredients harvested from the honey bee, and make healthy products to help people while maintaining environmental responsibility. Their flagship product, Harold’s Read more...
Using sustainable farming practices and good old-fashioned hard work, we are dedicated to produce the best natural products in the Midwest. Farmhouse Extracts is a family-owned, farm products retailer and wholesaler – we are currently 80% of the state’s CBD production. Read more...
The use of environmental principles in handcrafting natural and organic soap products has become a 40 year standard for Evening Shade Farms. Read more...
The forefront of Emergency Cutting Tool (E.C.T.) dynamics and design, the EEZYCUT TRILOBITE was developed for divers, mariners, mountaineers, extreme sports adventurers and rescue service providers who demand a tool that delivers a swift, safe, efficient cut. Read more...